The Problem European Companies Face Expanding to the USA

There is an assumption by European companies that all it takes to succeed in the U.S. market is to do what everyone else does. That usually consists of building a U.S.-based website, paying for a booth at a few industry trade shows, and doing some prospecting with mailing lists to generate buying interest.
Often, these activities do not produce anything close to an ROI and immediately become sunk costs. After spending a considerable amount of time and money on Google ads, booth graphics, hotel rooms, and mailing lists, many European companies wonder what it will take to be seen and heard in the USA—and at what cost.
The way we see it, there are three major forces shaping marketing for European companies entering the US market today:
- Pay per click advertising has become more expensive and prospects only provide a gmail address if they opt-in on your website – and that’s if they opt-in at all
- Purchased mailing lists based on demographics and territories have very low rates of response because prospects are overwhelmed with unsolicited email
- U.S. trade shows have become more of a social and professional meeting place where participants visit vendors they already have a relationship with, listen to one or two speakers on the schedule and then go out to dinner with the team
For companies that want to grow on the US market and are dissatisfied with the results they have gotten with trade shows, mailing lists, and advertising, B2B Marketing to the USA for European Companies presents a proven content marketing system that attracts enterprise prospects who are looking to buy. Unlike content marketing strategies that are resource intensive and overwhelming in scope, our methods are low-cost, fast, and laser-focused.
This strategy is designed for companies that are already established in their own country and are looking for growth on the U.S. and international markets. You’ve done well at home—now it’s time to grow abroad.
Growing outside your home market presents a challenge, however, quite possibly because:
- you’re up against bigger, richer U.S. and international competitors
- you have limited (or no) brand recognition outside your home market
- you don’t have a large sales or marketing team
While all these factors can work against you, I will help you get the same exposure and the status bigger competitors have—even without brand recognition or a large presence in the U.S.
The strategies work well for technology companies that serve the enterprise market. If your industry is considered to be unglamorous, under the radar, or misunderstood…all the better!
After studying some of the concepts in this blog or the book, you’ll know how to:
- be visible next to bigger and richer competitors without blowing your budget
- create surprisingly inexpensive brand awareness campaigns
- be extensively published in the business press
- attract enterprise prospects who are looking to buy