Two Prospect Mindsets

In order to get optimal results, it’s important to understand who you are speaking to, where you have leverage, and what to talk about.
Create Content for Prospects in One of Two Mindsets
The first mindset is made up of Buyers who are looking for a solution. These prospects are looking to buy and have done some research, looked at your technology solution, and want a demo and a discussion.
The second mindset is made up of Researchers who are exploring solutions. These prospects are looking around. If they had decided on your well-known competition, they would have talked to them long ago. Instead, they are open-minded and willing to consider several vendors, picking the top 3 or 4 candidates. You want to be in that group.
Anything beyond these two mindsets only complicates things. Take those complex buying funnel diagrams out of your PowerPoint presentations and concentrate on these two states of mind specifically.
Create Content Around the “Idea” of a Product
Because your brand or product is not well-known, you have to think about promoting the idea of your product: what problem it solves. Prospects will not search for your product if they don’t know what it’s called. It’s the idea of the product that generates interest.
Your potential customers are searching (thousands of times a day) through articles, blog posts, and solution pages using everyday terms (or industry-specific language) that defines their challenge.
Take Stock of (or Establish) Status and Authority
One of the most important objectives of any content marketing campaign is to establish your website as a trusted source of authority with Google. There is no certification for this—it has to be earned.
Having a good status with Google opens the doors to higher search engine ratings, more traffic, more opportunities, more visibility, and a faster route to booked prospect appointments and new business.