Why Using a Business Pitch Deck Is Like Dating

business pitch deck

“Will You Marry Me?”

Have you ever witnessed someone asking a member of the opposite sex “Will you marry me?” on the street or in a pub – without even knowing the person’s name or having been introduced?

The reason this outrageous request is fun to watch is because it is comically “too soon” to ask for such a huge commitment. Everyone knows all that dating stuff has to come first!

The same is true for pitching to investors or selling a product or service. You’ll find more success if you follow the process of “dating” – a sequence of events where you build a relationship, create interest and intrigue, and then “close the deal” – as opposed to desperately trying to have something happen too fast, and too soon.

In the diagram above you can see the Pitch Sequence in the dating context. It starts with a short Intro that is designed to create attraction by communicating massive value in under 6 seconds.

Next is the 6 Minute Story, which is designed to create intrigue and have the prospect understand what it is you have to offer. This step includes things like what the problem being solved is, where the idea has traction, and the key economics. This is where things heat up, and the prospect or investor wants to know more. It usually takes place on the phone, Skype, or some other informal setting.

People like to see a deck or other document that gives them some background, and that is the next step. This piece of information has to convey the information in tight format, with a heavy emphasis on contrast and graphics.

The final step is the pitch itself, which we advise to be no longer than 20 minutes. Most brains start to shut down after that period of time, and the opportunity to close dissipates. That’s because the most primal part of the brain, and the part that we use to listen to new ideas called the reptile brain, has a limited attention span.